Accessibility Statement

Are you finding it hard to motivate yourself and kickstart your day?

Balanced by Monica offers a number of features and services to increase accessibility. We supports the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). The ADA is a civil rights law signed in 1990. It provides civil rights protections to individuals with disabilities by prohibiting discrimination in all areas of public life, including jobs, schools, transportation, and all public and private places that are open to the general public. Its purpose is to ensure persons with disabilities have an equal opportunity to be included in society.


Whilst Balanced by Monica strive to adhere to the accepted guidelines and standards for accessibility and usability, it is not always possible to do so in all areas of the website.


We are continually seeking out solutions that will bring all areas of the site up to the same level of overall web accessibility. In the meantime should you experience any difficulty in accessing the Balanced by Monica website, please don’t hesitate to contact us.

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